Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rainy days...

Today is a rainy, lazy, I don't want to do anything kind of day. A tropical wave is moving across the island, so watch out!!! Those waves develop into storms and hurricanes!!!! It's been so hot down here, the rain and wind is a nice break.
The kids are doing great.  This is their last week of school and then summer camp starts.  I have volunteered to help at camp and we are going on field trips every Wednesday to different parts of the island.  I am excited because I get to be a tourist and be with the kids at the same time.
Last week, I fell down the hill that leads up to our house.  It is a gravel road and my foot slipped and I did a split!! It was not graceful at all and it really hurt for about four days, but I am much better now.  We rented a Jeep for 4 days because I couldn't walk up and down the hill and we took advantage of the Jeep and went out last weekend. We went to Cabrit's National Park and to Purple Turtle Beach.  It was so much fun and we all wish now that we had a car!!
Cabrit's National Park sits at the bottom of Fort Shirley, which is a fort that sits on the corner of the island.  We only went to Cabrit's because Fort Shirley required climbing a hill. We will return later to do that.  Here are some pictures from Cabrit's.

We also went to Purple Turtle, which is a beach nearby. It was so much fun!! The kids had a blast and played with a family of little girls that were amazed by our water guns and the fact that I could take their picture and they could immediately see it.  They kept begging me to take their picture so they could see it, then they wanted to take my camera home with them!
The girls taught Grace how to climb a coconut tree where  rope swing had been tied.  She would swing out and drop in the ocean.  She was exhausted!!

Just a few pictures of us and the kids......

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